Video Production

In my role as Communications Manager and Editor at a large church, I've been able to produce some videos for use in our services. Both of the examples below are instances where I heard the opportunity for a story, interviewed those involved, and worked with a videographer to create the finished products. They were both shown to around 2,000 people and shared on our social media accounts where they our most engaged posts around that time period. 



A Light in the Darkness

When Hurricane Harvey hit Beaumont, Terrance's life was thrown into chaos. He suddenly found himself in a new city with no family. Then he met Jerry and everything changed.

For this video, I heard about Terrance and Jerry from several people and asked Jerry to sit down and tell me the story. After hearing from him, I sat down and worked out what I wanted the video to communicate. I then hired the videographer, did the interviews, and consulted  during the editing process to tell the final story of these two men. 

When posted on Facebook, this story was viewed by 1,957 people and shared 25 times. 



Meet Nelia

Nelia has lived a life that spans Iraq, Hawaii, and the cancer ward. When faced with cancer, she learned how to lean into her faith and walk through uncertain times. 

With Nelia's story, I met with her to do the initial interview, collaborated with the videographer, conducted the interview, wrote the voiceover script, and worked through final edits with the videographer. In the end, we created a compelling video sharing her story. 

When Nelia's story was posted on Facebook, it recieved 2,500 views and was shared 18 times.